Docker Advanced

The course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to run the Docker in an extensive application infrastructure, both within your company, and from outside vendors. You will learn how to properly "dockerize" applications to make them robust and stable. Gradually, we go through the whole process from installing the Docker Server, through the creation of a dockerized version of the application, to deployment on the production infrastructure. And all this while adhering to best practices for creating and running such applications. On practical examples, we will try out all of the advanced techniques that Docker and its ecosystem offer. Thanks to the extensive practical experience of the lecturers, we will also focus on the most common problems and mistakes most commonly made by Docker users.


  • System Administrators
  • Application developers
  • IT Professionals


  • Knowledge of the Linux operating system (command line work, knowledge of basic shell tools)
  • Basic knowledge of Docker (knowledge of nomenclature and basic operations of the Docker - launching the container etc.)
  • Previous attendance at the Docker Foundation is highly recommended

Course goals:

Course participants will learn:

  • Create your own Docker Images
  • Advanced techniques of building images (multi-stage, on-build)
  • How to Prepare Docker Image for Production Deployment
  • Understand how the Docker works, including the detection of potential problems
  • Operation of the production docker infrastructure

Course content:

Advanced operations with Docker

  • Create your own instance using the Docker Machine
  • Writing your own Dockerfile (best practices, multi-stage build)
  • Working with Docker Image
  • Docker Compose
  • Practical practice of the subject matter

Docker Images for Production Deployment

  • Images (safety, labeling, dumb-init)
  • Image Registry (hosted, on-premise)
  • Continous Integration, Continuous Delivery
  • Practical practice of the subject matter

Docker in production deployment

  • Security practices
  • Volumes / Storages
  • Networking
  • Logging
  • Running, Running and Orchestration of Docker Applications in Production Deployment (Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Openshift)
  • Application monitoring
  • Operating systems for Docker operation
  • Practical practice of the subject matter

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2 dager
2 dager
Classroom Virtual